There are many situations in which you may wish to create a group to organize children, such as daycare, or extra curricular activities involving teams or clubs.
In most cases, the parents will be the main point of contact.
You can use Resources to add websites, physical locations, people and sponsors that are useful to the parents in the organization. For example, for a youth soccer team: League Executive Contact info, Soccer Pitch Locations, Training videos, Sponsors for the team, etc.
The News tab can be used to make formal announcements such as upcoming events and deadlines, or newsletter content.
We have 3 different suggested methods on how to manage a group with children.
List of Parents; Children in Roles:
A group is created with the parents as the main contacts. Role information has been set under the Company section of each profile to indicate which child they are the parent of.
In this method, parents are recognized as the main point of contact, and have increased visibility into their child’s organization.
Tip: The Public Note field under the Company section is a good place to add notes about other important information such as food allergies.
Parents/Children in One List:
Both the parents and the children are listed as contacts. Under the Company section in each profile, Roles have been set to show each parent-child relationship. If your device’s system settings are that names should be sorted by surname, then the child and parent will likely be adjacent in the list.
In this method children are also granted visibility into the group if they have their own device, so this works best with older children.
List of Children; Parents in Roles:
A group is created with the parents as the main contacts. Role information has been set under the Company section of each profile to indicate which child they are the parent of.
In this method, parents are recognized as the main point of contact, and have increased visibility into their child’s organization.
Tip: the parent’s phone numbers can be entered in the child’s note and can be tapped to make a call.